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left a message on February 3, 2014:
Dad, it will soon be 3 years since you left us...I miss you more every day...there are so many things I wish I'd said or done...but you knew I loved you. I just didn't realize how much I would miss you know you were my rock and ALWAYS will be...until we meet in heaven I will be thinking and missing you ALWAYS. Love your will be time for our birthday soon will never ever be the same dad...why did you leave me.
left a message on September 9, 2011:
Jackie and family, I am so sorry to hear that you father has passed. May GOD wrap his loving and comforting arms around each of you and give you peace and comfort. My prayers will be with each one of you. If I had known I would have been there for you, please if there is anything I can do for you now let me know. Love you girl and again I am so sorry.
left a message on September 9, 2011:
Jackie and family, I am so sorry to hear that you father has passed. May GOD wrap his loving and comforting arms around each of you and give you peace and comfort. My prayers will be with each one of you. If I had known I would have been there for you, please if there is anything I can do for you now let me know. Love you girl and again I am so sorry.
left a message on July 25, 2011:
I was so sorry to learn of Jack's passing. Jack was always so very kind to me.
left a message on July 25, 2011:
Dear Friends, The many years of happy memories will comfort and strengthen you in this great loss. May you have peace through the Prince of Peace until that great reunion day.
left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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